
Monday, April 21, 2014

It's been a while/runchat 4/20

It has been far too long since this blog has been updated. A lot of that is due to the fact that I have been busy and just generally tired lately. I really need to be better about updating this blog for myself and the others that read it. Here are my runchat answers from last night (another fun thing that I have not done in a while).

Runchat 4/20

Q1-How will you watch the Boston Marathon?

A1-As I type this, the marathon is on my television and I am following updates on twitter. It is pretty funny that I am watching a marathon; a few years ago, this would have never shown up on my television at all. This is much I have come to love talking about running in any form.

Q2-Who or what is your biggest inspiration to keep running?

A2-Staying healthy and fit is my biggest inspiration. I definitely always think about where I would be if I were not running. I definitely have my ups and downs, but I feel like I am a happier now compared to when I started running.  Helping others out who ask me for help and want to get better at running is also inspiring. It is hard to believe that people are asking me for help at all with running. I definitely want to do my best to help anyone who wants help. 

Q3: What's a big lesson you've learned through running that you've applied to other aspects of life

A3-You can do just about anything if you push yourself. I have two marathons and the biggest challenge is finding that mental edge to keep yourself going. Marathons are painful, but if you just tell yourself that you can get through it, you truly believe that anything can be done with hard work. I think people start believing in themselves more after completing things (5K's, half-marathons, marathons, etc...) they never thought could be possible. 

Q4: If a non-running friend came to you for running advice today, what would be the first words out of your mouth?

A4-Get fitted for proper shoes and do not give up if you struggle. 

Q5: Which races have the best spectators? Why?

A5-Out of all the races I have done, marathons have the best spectators. I have the Chicago Marathon twice and the crowds have been amazing both times. The people make all the runners feel like celebrities. It feels great to get cheered on by a lot of people you will probably never meet. 

Q6: Finish this: I run for ______.

A6-Food, confidence and my health. 

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